Wednesday, June 07, 2006

As the school year winds down....

Every morning this week I've been greeted by the excited voice of my 4th grader exclaiming "Only [fill in the blank] more days of school!" He's apoplectic with joy -- and for good reason. Another year of education under the proverbial belt!

As the school year wraps up, I'm reminded of the bittersweet quality these last few days embody. There's that unadulterated excitement in anticipation of a hard-earned break as students revel in yearbooks, class parties, graduations and "moving-on" ceremonies.

But then there are the goodbyes, with friends leaving Indonesia and beloved teachers moving on. Our transient community is the source of both great joy in its diversity and friendships, and great sorrows when it comes time to part ways. The most we can hope is that we're better people for knowing each other.

So as the curtain falls on this school year, we at JIS Topics wish you and your loved ones restful breaks, rejuvenating times with family and friends, and safe travels. And to those in our community who are moving away from Jakarta, Selamat Jalan.


At 7:56 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The count down has been going on in our house for the past couple of weeks too. Will you be posting any blogs during the break? I enjoy reading it and feel that I haved learned so much from your articals and links. Thanks! Wishing everyone safe travels and a great summer. See you again in August!

At 8:28 AM, Blogger Cheryl van Tilburg said...

Dear Anonymous,

Thanks so much for your kind words about the blog. We're glad to know someone's reading it! I'm sure Catherine and I will post entries over the break -- just not on a daily basis! We've also learned a lot from doing it. Education is so complicated, but also so amazing!

Have a great break, and thanks again!

At 10:10 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Please do not post what grade your child is in on the web. Not smart! Consider who is reading this blog.....

At 4:33 PM, Blogger Cheryl van Tilburg said...

Dear Anonymous @ 10:10,

Thanks for your concern about my family's safety! Given the excellent security at JIS (and the fact that JIS' address is already widely known), I've made the conscious decision to include vague personal information in ocassional posts. I also don't believe that many outsiders are trolling this blog with evil intentions (could be wrong, of course). But I appreciate your thought.... Have a great break!


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