Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Here's my daughter

Want to see a picture of my middle school daughter? Click on this link (via Learning is Messy, a really nice edu-blog).

I laughed my head off -- it's SO accurate. But then it made me wonder how many other kids there are at JIS who look exactly the same. And that made me wonder if there are other parents who worry about some of the things in this picture.....

Would it be helpful to have a session at school on the cyberworld our kids live in? I'm not one of those "the sky is falling" people who believe MySpace and its ilk are the root of all adolescent evil. But I am one of those people who thinks you have be aware and stay on top of things.

If you think it would be a good idea, would you help me put a session together? Parents, teachers, admin., tech-gurus -- we all could help educate each other on this very current subject. Leave a comment, or send an email to vantilburgindo@yahoo.com.


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